
WAITLIST SPOTS AVAILABLE: An Introduction to Philosophy with Dr. Peter Train

Please note: registration for this series is full, but we are still taking names for the waitlist. Email to be added to the waitlist, and please include your phone number and which sessions you’d like to attend.

Philosophy: what is it? Who are the famous players? What are the old schools of philosophy that still influence the way we live today?

In this introductory series, you’ll learn a little about the history of philosophy, including Plato, Aristotle, the Skeptics, the Cynics, the Epicureans, the Stoics, Buddhism, Confucianism, Daoism, the Romans, and the Existentialists. How might these schools help us live life to the fullest?

We will explore practical, perspective-changing exercises that provide a foundation for experiencing the fullness of life. Learn some of the ancient practices that were aimed at savoring abundance, so you can “take flight each day!” (Pierre Hadot).

Registration is required – email to sign up! You are welcome to sign up for as many of the sessions as you’d like.

About the facilitator:

A long-time resident of Whistler, Dr. Peter Train is a dedicated husband, father of three, and a teacher at Whistler Secondary School. He holds a PhD from the University of British Columbia, where his research focused on integrating Epicurean and Buddhist philosophy into teaching practices.


Session 1 (Tuesday, January 21): What is Philosophy?
We’ll discuss the history of philosophy from 4000 BCE to the present. This session will include a brief outline of Plato and some of his main concepts: the simile of the cave (reality versus illusion), the divided line (knowledge versus opinion), and Diotima’s ladder of love (how to realize ‘the beautiful’).

Session 2 (Tuesday, February 18): The Hellenists and the art of living
We’ll explore eudaimonia (spiritual happiness), ataraxia (peace of mind), and autarkia (inner freedom) as guiding concepts. We’ll learn and practice Stoic & Epicurean exercises that cultivate happiness.

Session 3 (Tuesday, April 15): Buddhism and Epicureans
What is a philosophy of emptiness (fullness)? We’ll learn exercises that open you up to the pleasure of existence and explore the ways this might resonate with local Indigenous philosophies that help us connect with the concept of abundance.

Session 4 (Tuesday, May 20): Existentialism
We’ll conclude the series with Sartre, deBeauvoir, and Camus, and the art of becoming a person.


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May 20 2025


6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
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